best online ecommerce platform for small business


Best Online Ecommerce Platform For Small Business

The ecommerce market is on the rise and is set to make $6.43 trillion by 2026. Small businesses need to get online to join this growth. With a good ecommerce platform, small firms can look professional online. This guide shows the top ecommerce platforms for small businesses. You will learn their benefits, what to consider when picking one, and how they compare.

After reading, small business owners will know how to choose the best platform for them. This will help them start and expand their online shops.

best online ecommerce platform for small business

Key Takeaways:

  • The ecommerce market is projected to reach $6.43 trillion in revenue by 2026, underscoring the importance of an online presence for small businesses.
  • This guide covers the best ecommerce platforms tailored for small businesses, including detailed comparisons and key factors to consider.
  • Choosing the right ecommerce platform is crucial for small businesses to create a professional online store and stand out from the competition.
  • Ecommerce platforms offer a range of benefits, such as website hosting, product catalog managementpayment processing, and order fulfillment.
  • Key factors to consider when selecting an ecommerce platform include cost, ease of use, scalability, and essential features like inventory management and marketing tools.

Understanding Ecommerce Platforms for Small Businesses

What Is an Ecommerce Platform?

An ecommerce platform is like a digital shop. It lets businesses sell things online. These systems handle everything from hosting websites to processing payments. They make it easy to sell and deliver products online.

Benefits of Using an Ecommerce Platform

Ecommerce platforms give businesses an easy way to set up an online store. They are designed to be user-friendly and customizable. This helps companies sell worldwide and improve their online sales. They come with tools for managing inventory, marketing, and keeping up with customers.

Also, these platforms work well with other tools. For example, they can connect to customer reviews, help recover abandoned carts, and offer different payment methods. This makes a business's online store even better and more convenient for customers.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ecommerce Platform

Choosing the right ecommerce platform for a small business is key. Important factors include cost and pricing. It's vital to look at both the initial costs and ongoing expenses. This includes hosting and transaction fees, as well as any needed development costs.

Also, consider the ease of use and setup. The platform should be easy to understand and use. This is especially important for people who aren't tech-savvy. It should let users quickly add products, set discounts, and manage orders and inventory.

Scalability and growth potential are just as crucial. The chosen platform should be able to handle more visitors and sales as your business grows. It should be flexible enough to add new features and integrations. This growth potential is key for long-term success.

Ecommerce PlatformMonthly CostNotable Features
BigCommerce$39/month and up99.9% uptime, automatic updates, out-of-the-box functionality
Shopify$39/month and upRequires $6,000-$20,000 more per year to match BigCommerce's features
Squarespace$26/month and upCommerce plans with ecommerce-specific features
WooCommerceFree, with limitationsOpen-source platform with flexibility but requires more maintenance
Wix$23/month and upDrag-and-drop website builder with ecommerce capabilities
Weebly$12/month for Pro planAffordable ecommerce solution with limited customization options
Volusion$269/month and upEnterprise-level ecommerce platform with advanced features

To make the best choice, consider these factors. Matching them with your business's needs, budget, and growth plans is crucial. This helps ensure your online store can grow and succeed in the long run.

Best Ecommerce Platforms for Small Businesses

Small businesses have many choices to build an online store and boost sales. The top ecommerce platforms for them are ShopifyWooCommerceSquarespaceWixWeebly, Square Online, and BigCommerce.


Shopify is at the forefront of ecommerce platforms, known for its easy-to-use online store builder. For just $29 a month with the Shopify Basic plan, you get a free 3-day trial. It's loved by users, rated 4.4 out of 5 on G2. The platform includes everything from managing inventory, processing payments, and various marketing tools to support small businesses online.

Read More: 10 Top websites like shopify for free


WooCommerce is an open-source ecommerce plugin for WordPress, designed for creating online stores for free. Even though the plugin is free, many costs add up like hosting, domain registration, SSL, shipping, and payment processing. It's rated as a great choice, scoring 4.4 out of 5 on G2. This makes it an attractive option for businesses that prefer a flexible, WordPress-integrated online store solution.


Squarespace combines a website builder and ecommerce platform in a sleek package. For $28 a month with the Commerce Basic plan, you can get started. There's also a 14-day free trial which can be extended once. It's G2 rating of 4.4/5 proves it's worth considering. This solution is perfect for small businesses looking for a simple, all-encompassing online and ecommerce setup.

best online ecommerce platform for small business

Wix is a great choice for small business owners who need an ecommerce platform. It comes with tools like order tracking and online payments. Plus, it offers many designs for your online store.


Wix is known for being user-friendly website builder and ecommerce platform. Its drag-and-drop makes creating an online store simple. Small business owners can use it to manage stock, process payments securely, and target customers on different channels.


Another choice is Weebly, a ecommerce platform focused on ease of use for small businesses. With its builder, you can set up a store fast with options for product showcasing and shipping. Its 4.2/5 G2 rating shows how much it helps small business owners.

Evaluating Your Business Needs

Understanding what your business really needs is key to growing and succeeding. You must look closely at your operations, money, what your customers want, trends in the market, and the laws that affect you.

Identifying Your Customer Base

The first thing you do is figure out who your customer is. You learn about their age, what they like, what they need, and their problems. Doing research and looking at data about your customers gives you a better idea of what they need. This helps you offer the right products, services, and ads to them.

Analyzing Your Options

After knowing your business and customers well, look at different eCommerce options. Think about the cost, how easy to use they are, if they can grow with you, and which features match what you need. Picking the right platform can support your business growth online and make your customers happier.

It's super important to really think through your business needs, who your customers are, and the eCommerce platforms out there. Doing this helps you make a smart choice for your small business, leading to success online.

Ecommerce Platform Features to Look For

When choosing an ecommerce platform, key features help meet your business needs. Product catalog management is vital. You'll require tools for SKU tracking, updating inventory automatically, alerts for low stock, and managing inventory across multiple locations.

Payment Processing Options

Efficient and secure payment processing is vital for your platform. Opt for platforms that support various payment methods like credit cards, digital wallets, and other options. This ensures your customers' preferences are covered.

Marketing and SEO Tools

Your ecommerce platform must have strong marketing and SEO tools for growth. Look for features such as email marketing, connecting with social media, SEO, and advanced analytics. These tools help analyze customer behavior and boost your online presence.

Focus on these essential features for your ecommerce platform selection. This ensures your small business has what it needs. You'll be able to manage your product catalog well, handle payments safely, and run impactful marketing strategies. Ultimately, you'll improve the customer experience and achieve business growth.

Comparing Popular Ecommerce Platforms

To choose the best ecommerce platform, small businesses need to look at features and abilities. They compare platforms like ShopifyBigCommerceSalesforce Commerce CloudLightspeedMagentoPrestashopSquarespace, and Webflow. It's key to know what each platform does well and where it might not fit your needs. This helps make a smart choice that works both efficiently and cost-effectively.

Platforms are different from marketplaces. They offer more features. For example, Shopify's Basic plan costs $29 a month and has a 3-day free trial. It gets a high G2 rating of 4.4/5. On the other hand, BigCommerce's Standard plan also costs $29 a month. It has a longer free trial of 15 days but a slightly lower G2 rating of 4.2/5.

Platforms might be free or cost hundreds monthly. Marketplaces usually take a cut from sales. This stands out as a big difference in how they charge customers. Squarespace's Commerce Basic plan, for instance, costs $28 monthly and gives a 14-day free trial. Wix charges $29 for its Core plan and has a G2 rating of 4.2/5.

One key point about ecommerce platforms is they can grow with your business. This sets them apart from marketplaces, which might not offer the same scaling ability. Weebly even has a free version but with limited features, scoring a 4.2/5 on G2. Square Online does even better, hitting a G2 mark of 4.3/5.

Platforms usually provide phone support, which is very helpful. They also offer tools like shipping integration. This lets businesses compare shipping prices, print labels, and manage returns easily. These tools can really simplify how a business operates.

There's a big range in platform prices. Free ones might not be great for large businesses. How easy a platform is to use makes a big difference too. So finding one that's easy to manage is crucial for success.

For businesses planning to grow, an ecommerce platform's ability to scale is vital. It should manage more products and orders as you expand. Good customer support is also a must, especially for those who aren't tech experts. Having help available 24/7 can make a big difference.

Small business owners often like platforms that are free or affordable, easy to customize, work with other business tools, and have strong user support. Doing research and getting advice from experts guides the right choice. This step is essential for success in ecommerce.

The online market is growing fast, with sales projected to exceed $6 billion in 2024 and over $8 billion by 2025. Shopify recently raised its fees for some services, while BigCommerce doesn't add extra transaction fees or payment costs. This gives it an edge in terms of pricing fairness.

BigCommerce stands out by helping its customers start making money quickly. They often break even after eight months and see a big return on investment over three years. For those with more complex needs, like businesses that sell internationally or have many brands, BigCommerce lets them handle multiple sites easily. These benefits are backed by success stories, like HDM Global launching a site successfully in just three months.

As ecommerce grows, there are more and more opportunities for small businesses to succeed. This sector is set to be worth $8.1 trillion by 2026. With the right platform and strategy, small businesses stand a great chance in this growing market.

PlatformPricingFree TrialG2 Rating
Shopify$29/month for Basic plan3 days4.4/5
BigCommerce$29/month for Standard plan15 days4.2/5
Squarespace$28/month for Commerce Basic14 daysN/A
Wix$29/month for Core planN/A4.2/5
WeeblyFree with limited featuresN/A4.2/5
Square OnlineN/AN/A4.3/5

Getting Started with Your Ecommerce Platform

Choosing the right ecommerce platform for your small business is crucial. Next, you need to set up your online store. This means using the platform's tools to build your store, add your products, and set up a safe way for customers to pay.

Setting Up Your Online Store

The platform's website builder and catalog tools help you make a great online shop. You can adjust the design, show off your products, and set up your store to welcome customers smoothly.

It's important to connect a secure payment service too. Your platform likely works with top services like PayPal, Stripe, or Square. This makes buying from your store easy and safe for customers.

Integrating with Other Business Tools

Integrating your ecommerce platform with other tools can boost your business. Think about how linking to accounting, CRM, or shipping software can help.

When you connect these tools, your online business can run better. You'll manage stock, fill orders, market, and help customers more effectively. It saves time, cuts mistakes, and offers better service to shoppers.

Optimizing Your Ecommerce Store for Success

To make your ecommerce store successful in the long run, keep improving the user experience. Build a great-looking and easy-to-use website that works well on mobile. This is key because more people now shop using their phones.

Improving User Experience

Smooth and fun experiences on your site are vital for getting customers engaged and making sales. It's important for your site to load fast, ideally in 2-3 seconds. This keeps visitors around.

Also, make sure your product catalog is tidy and easy to find things in. Add clear descriptions and images to help customers. Giving personalized suggestions based on what they've looked at before or their personal info can make them buy more.

Building an Online Presence

Having a strong online presence is a must to draw in and keep customers these days. Use social media sites like Facebook and Instagram for ads. These platforms have lots of users and images work really well on them.

Working with influencers can get your products in front of more eyes. This can boost your sales since their followers trust them. Setting up a loyalty program can make customers more likely to come back and spend more.

It's also a good idea to offer around-the-clock, multilingual customer service. This helps with customer questions and feedback anytime.

Using special software for managing your inventory can make a big difference. It allows you to keep track of stock levels and make changes in real-time. This means you're less likely to run out of popular items.

As your online store gets busier, set up clear delivery plans and work on strengthening your supply chain. This will help you handle more orders smoothly.

Teaming up with payment service providers can give you the right tools for handling more sales. And, before you start selling in other countries, do your homework. Talk to local sellers to better understand those markets.

Another key point is to keep customer data safe when they buy from you. Use security features like multi-factor authentication and SSL encryption. These efforts show your customers you take their privacy seriously.

By always working to make your website better and being active online, your ecommerce business can grow. This brings more sales and happier customers. Success in the online world comes from making shopping easy, fun, and secure for everyone.


Choosing the right ecommerce platform is crucial for small businesses wanting to succeed online. It helps them grow in the digital world. In 2023, eCommerce sales hit $6.3 trillion, jumping from $3.5 trillion in 2019. This shows a big rise in the market. By 2026, sales are expected to hit $8.1 trillion, offering a great chance for growth to business owners.

It's important for small business owners to look at costs, how easy it is to use, how it can grow with them, and what features are essential. Globally, WooCommerce is the top platform with 23% of the market, while Shopify has 20%. These platforms can be free or cost hundreds of dollars monthly, fitting different budgets and needs.

The right ecommerce platform can make small businesses stand out. It helps them better connect with customers, improve their online look, and grow well. By 2027, the US is expected to bring in over $1.7 trillion from online sales, up from $905 billion in 2022. Also, in 2025, more than 10% of US retail sales will start from mobile buying, showing a big jump.


What is an ecommerce platform?

An ecommerce platform is a tool for selling things on the internet. It lets companies list their products online. This includes everything from managing the product list to processing payments.

What are the benefits of using an ecommerce platform?

Ecommerce platforms provide an easy way to set up an online store. They help companies sell worldwide. These platforms come with tools for managing stock, marketing, and keeping customers happy.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing an ecommerce platform?

Cost, user-friendliness, and growth potential are important. A good platform should fit your budget and be easy to use. It must also handle more sales as your business grows.

What are the best ecommerce platforms for small businesses?

The top platforms for small businesses are Shopify, WooCommerce, and others. They are known for being easy to use and flexible.

What features should small businesses look for in an ecommerce platform?

Look for tools to manage your product list and process payments. Also, check if it has good marketing features and can work with other software you use.

How can small businesses compare popular ecommerce platforms?

Comparing features is key to finding the best platform for you. Look at Shopify, BigCommerce, and others to see which fits your business better.

What are the steps to get started with an ecommerce platform?

First, choose a platform that matches your needs. Then, start by building your store and adding products. Set up payments to start selling securely.

How can small businesses optimize their ecommerce store for success?

Making your site look good and easy to use is crucial. Also ensuring it works well on mobile helps attract more customers. These steps can lead to more online sales.

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