10 best lead generation for roofing company


best lead generation for roofing company

10 best lead generation for roofing company

Are you a roofing company struggling to find new customers? Are you tired of relying solely on word-of-mouth referrals and outdated advertising methods? Well, you're in luck! In this blog post, we will unveil the 10 best lead generation for roofing companies

Whether you're a small local business or a large roofing contractor, these proven tactics will help you attract high-quality leads and grow your customer base. Let's face it, lead generation can be a daunting task, especially in a highly competitive industry like roofing. 

With so many players vying for the same customers, it's crucial to have a solid plan in place to stand out from the crowd. That's where our expertise comes in. We have scoured the internet, analyzed industry trends, and consulted with experts to bring you the best lead-generation strategies that will give your roofing company a competitive edge. 

Now, you might be wondering what makes these strategies the "best" for your roofing company. Well, we've taken into account various factors such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and ease of implementation. Each strategy has been carefully selected to ensure that it not only generates leads but also converts them into paying customers. 

From leveraging social media platforms to harnessing the power of search engine optimization, we've got you covered. So, if you're ready to take your roofing company to new heights and leave your competition in the dust, keep reading. 

These 10 lead-generation strategies will revolutionize the way you attract customers and help your business thrive. Don't miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your lead generation efforts and propel your roofing company toward success.

10 best lead generation for a roofing company

1. Optimize Your Website for Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In today's digital age, it is more important than ever to have a strong online presence, especially for businesses that operate in a specific geographic area. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in local search results. This means that when someone searches for a business or service in your area, your website is more likely to show up in the results.

Optimize Your Website for Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
computer screen with a map of a city and search results for roofing companies/ source homes 

There are a number of things you can do to optimize your website for local SEO. Here are a few tips:

Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing.

Google My Business is a free tool that allows you to manage your business information on Google Search and Maps. Make sure that your listing is complete and accurate, and include your business name, address, phone number, website, and business hours. You can also add photos and videos to your listing.

Use local keywords throughout your website.

When you are writing your website content, be sure to use keywords that are relevant to your business and location. For example, if you are a roofing company in Denver, Colorado, you might use keywords like "roofing contractor Denver," "Denver roofing," or "roof repair Denver."

Build backlinks to your website.

Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. The more backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in search results. You can build backlinks by guest blogging, participating in online forums, and submitting your website to directories.

Get positive reviews on Google My Business and other online review sites.

Positive reviews can help your website rank higher in search results. Encourage your customers to leave positive reviews on Google My Business and other online review sites, such as Yelp and Angie's List.

Use local citations.

Local citations are mentions of your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on other websites. You can build local citations by submitting your business to local directories, yellow pages, and industry-specific websites.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

More and more people are using their smartphones to search for businesses online. Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly so that it is easy to use on a mobile device.

Get involved in your community.

Get involved in your community by attending local events, sponsoring local organizations, and donating to local charities. This will help you build relationships with people in your community and increase brand awareness.

Track your results and make adjustments as needed.

It is important to track your results so that you can see how your SEO efforts are performing. You can use Google Analytics to track your website traffic and see where your visitors are coming from.

By following these tips, you can optimize your website for local SEO and attract more customers to your business.

READ MORE: B2B Lead Generation Strategies 2024: The Ultimate Guide

2. Utilize Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an online advertising model in which advertisers pay a fee each time their ads are clicked. It is a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to your website.

Utilize Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
computer screen with a search engine results page showing pay per click ads/ source goinflow 

Here are some of the benefits of using PPC advertising for your roofing company:

  • Targeted reach: PPC advertising allows you to target your ads to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, location, and more. This ensures that your ads are seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your roofing services.
  • Measurable results: PPC advertising campaigns are very measurable, so you can track how many clicks your ads are getting and how many leads they are generating. This data can help you to optimize your campaigns and improve your ROI.
  • Quick results: PPC advertising can start generating results very quickly, so you can start seeing a return on your investment almost immediately.
  • Flexible budget: You can set a budget for your PPC advertising campaigns, so you can control how much you spend.

Here are some tips for using PPC advertising effectively for your roofing company:

  • Choose the right keywords: The keywords you choose will determine when your ads are shown. Choose keywords that are relevant to your roofing services and that people are likely to search for.
  • Create compelling ad copy: Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and persuasive. It should highlight the benefits of your roofing services and call to action, such as "Get a free quote today!"
  • Set your bids carefully: The amount you bid on keywords will determine how often your ads are shown. Set your bids high enough to be competitive, but not so high that you lose money.
  • Monitor your campaigns closely: Regularly monitor your PPC advertising campaigns to make sure they are performing as expected. Make adjustments to your keywords, ad copy, and bids as needed.

Here are some of the most popular PPC advertising platforms:

  • Google Ads: Google Ads is the most popular PPC advertising platform, and it offers a wide range of targeting options.
  • Bing Ads: Bing Ads is a smaller PPC advertising platform, but it can be a good option for businesses that target a local audience.
  • Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads can be used to target potential customers based on their interests and demographics.
  • LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn Ads can be used to target potential customers who are in the business world.

PPC advertising can be a valuable tool for roofing companies of all sizes. By following these tips, you can use PPC advertising to reach a targeted audience, generate leads, and grow your business.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

3. Engage in Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most effective lead-generation strategies for roofing companies. It involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

best lead generation for roofing company

Why is content marketing so effective for roofing companies?

There are several reasons why content marketing is so effective for roofing companies:

  • It helps you establish yourself as an expert in the roofing industry. When you create high-quality content that is informative and helpful to potential customers, you are positioning yourself as a trusted resource. This can lead to increased brand awareness and credibility, which can ultimately influence purchasing decisions.
  • It drives organic traffic to your website. When you create content that is optimized for search engines, you are increasing the chances of your website appearing in search results. This can lead to more people visiting your website, which can lead to more leads.
  • It nurtures leads over time. Content marketing is not a quick fix. It takes time to build up a body of content and to start seeing results. However, the long-term benefits of content marketing are significant. When you consistently create valuable content, you are nurturing leads over time, moving them from awareness to consideration to purchase.
  • It costs less than traditional marketing methods. Traditional marketing methods, such as print advertising and television commercials, can be very expensive. Content marketing, on the other hand, is a relatively inexpensive way to reach potential customers.

What types of content should roofing companies create?

There are many different types of content that roofing companies can create, including:

  • Blog posts: Blog posts are a great way to share information about roofing topics, such as how to choose a roofing contractor or how to extend the life of your roof.
  • Infographics: Infographics are a visually appealing way to present information. They can be used to explain complex roofing topics, such as the different types of roofing materials or the benefits of energy-efficient roofing.
  • Videos: Videos are a great way to show potential customers the quality of your work and the professionalism of your team. You can create videos about different roofing topics, such as how to inspect your roof for damage or how to install a new roof.
  • Case studies: Case studies are a great way to showcase your company's work and demonstrate the benefits of your services. You can write case studies about satisfied customers or about projects that you are particularly proud of.
  • E-books: E-books are a comprehensive resource that can provide potential customers with in-depth information about a particular topic. You can create e-books about things like common roofing problems or how to prepare your roof for severe weather.

How can roofing companies get started with content marketing?

If you are a roofing company that is interested in getting started with content marketing, here are a few tips:

  • Define your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your content? Once you know your target audience, you can create content that is tailored to their needs and interests.
  • Set clear goals for your content marketing efforts. What do you want to achieve with your content? Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? Once you know your goals, you can create content that is aligned with those goals.
  • Create a content calendar. A content calendar will help you plan and organize your content creation efforts. This will ensure that you are consistently creating and publishing high-quality content.
  • Promote your content. Once you have created your content, you need to promote it to your target audience. You can do this by sharing your content on social media, submitting your content to directories, and guest blogging on other websites.
  • Measure your results. It is important to track the results of your content marketing efforts. This will help you see what is working and what is not, so you can make adjustments to your strategy as needed.

Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help roofing companies generate leads, build brand awareness, and drive sales. By creating and sharing valuable content, roofing companies can establish themselves as experts in the roofing industry and attract potential customers who are looking for roofing services.

4. Leverage Social Media Platforms

best lead generation for roofing company

incorporating social media platforms into your lead generation strategy is a great way to connect with potential customers, build brand awareness, and generate leads for your roofing company. Here are some of the benefits of using social media for lead generation:

  • Reach a large audience: Social media platforms have billions of active users, so you can reach a large audience with your marketing messages.
  • Target your ideal customer: Most social media platforms allow you to target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps you ensure that your ads are seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your services.
  • Build relationships: Social media provides an opportunity to connect with potential customers and build relationships with them. This can help you generate leads and nurture them into customers.
  • Share valuable content: You can use social media to share valuable content, such as blog posts, infographics, and videos, that will educate and inform potential customers about your roofing services.
  • Track your results: Most social media platforms provide analytics that you can use to track the performance of your marketing campaigns. This helps you determine which strategies are working best and which ones need to be adjusted.

Here are some specific social media platforms that you can use to generate leads for your roofing company:

  • Facebook: Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.91 billion active users. You can use Facebook to create targeted ads, share valuable content, and join groups related to roofing and home improvement.
  • Instagram: Instagram is a visual social media platform that is perfect for sharing photos and videos of your roofing projects. You can use Instagram to connect with local homeowners, share customer testimonials, and run targeted ads.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform that is a great way to connect with other roofing professionals, potential customers, and business partners. You can use LinkedIn to share industry news, participate in relevant groups, and publish articles about your roofing expertise.
  • Nextdoor: Nextdoor is a hyperlocal social media platform that allows you to connect with people in your neighborhood. You can use Nextdoor to share your roofing services with potential customers, get involved in local events, and build a strong reputation in your community.
  • YouTube: YouTube is a video-sharing platform that is a great way to share educational and informative videos about your roofing services. You can use YouTube to create tutorials, explain different roofing materials, and showcase your company's expertise.
By using a combination of these social media platforms, you can effectively reach a wide audience of potential customers and generate leads for your roofing company. Just remember to be consistent with your posting, create engaging content, and track your results so you can make adjustments as needed.


5. Utilize Email Marketing

best lead generation for roofing company

Email marketing can be a very effective lead-generation strategy for roofing companies. In fact, a study by MailChimp found that email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media for generating leads. This is because email marketing allows you to directly connect with potential customers in their inboxes, where they are more likely to be receptive to your message.

Here are some of the benefits of using email marketing for lead generation:

  • Targeted reach: You can segment your email list to reach potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your services.
  • Personalized messaging: You can personalize your email messages to each recipient, which can make them more likely to open and read them.
  • Measurable results: You can track the results of your email marketing campaigns to see what's working and what's not.
  • Cost-effective: Email marketing is a very cost-effective way to reach potential customers.

Here are some tips for using email marketing to generate leads for your roofing company:

  • Build an email list: You can build an email list by offering a free download, such as a checklist for roof maintenance.
  • Segment your list: Segment your list by factors such as location, interests, and past interactions with your company.
  • Personalize your messages: Use the recipient's name and company name in your messages.
  • Use strong calls to action: Tell recipients what you want them to do, such as visit your website or schedule an appointment.
  • Track your results: Use email marketing software to track your results and make improvements to your campaigns.

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for generating leads for your roofing company. By following these tips, you can create effective email campaigns that will help you reach your target audience and grow your business.

6. Partner with Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses can be an excellent lead-generation strategy for roofing companies. By collaborating with complementary businesses in your community, you can expand your reach, gain access to new customer bases, and establish credibility. Here are some specific ways to leverage partnerships for lead generation:

Cross-promote with complementary businesses: Identify local businesses that serve a similar customer base but don't directly compete with you, such as real estate agents, home inspectors, or property management companies. Partner with these businesses to cross-promote each other's services. For instance, you could offer real estate agents a referral fee for sending you new clients, or you could provide property management companies with discounts on your services.

Co-host events or workshops: Partner with local businesses to organize events or workshops related to home improvement or property maintenance. These events can provide valuable information to potential customers and increase brand awareness for both businesses involved.

Offer joint promotions or discounts: Collaborate with local businesses to create joint promotions or discounts that benefit both customer bases. For example, you could offer a discounted roofing package to customers of a local home improvement store.

Participate in local business organizations: Join local chambers of commerce, business associations, or networking groups to connect with other business owners and potential referral partners. Active participation in these organizations can enhance your visibility and credibility within the community.

Establish referral programs: Encourage existing customers to refer their friends, family, and neighbors by offering incentives, such as discounts or free services. Word-of-mouth referrals can be highly effective in generating new leads.

Become a trusted resource for local businesses: Build relationships with local businesses by providing them with valuable information or services related to roofing and home maintenance. This could involve offering free inspections, conducting educational workshops, or sharing industry updates. By establishing yourself as a trusted resource, you'll increase your chances of earning referrals and recommendations.

Remember, successful partnerships are built on mutual trust, respect, and a shared commitment to providing excellent customer service. By carefully selecting partners and nurturing these relationships, you can effectively leverage partnerships as a powerful lead-generation strategy for your roofing company.

7. Attend Industry Events and Trade Shows

Attending industry events and trade shows can be an excellent lead-generation strategy for roofing companies. These events provide a concentrated opportunity to connect with potential customers, network with industry professionals, and showcase your company's expertise. Here are some of the benefits of attending industry events and trade shows for roofing companies:

Target a large audience of potential customers: Industry events and trade shows typically attract a large audience of homeowners, property managers, and other decision-makers who are interested in roofing services. This gives roofing companies a great opportunity to connect with potential customers who are actively looking for a roofer.

Build relationships with industry professionals: Industry events and trade shows provide a great opportunity to network with other roofing contractors, suppliers, and industry experts. This can help roofing companies build relationships that can lead to future partnerships and referrals.

Showcase your company's expertise: Industry events and trade shows provide a platform for roofing companies to showcase their expertise and products. This can be done by setting up a booth, giving presentations, or participating in panel discussions.

Stay up-to-date on industry trends: Industry events and trade shows are a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and technologies. This can help roofing companies improve their services and stay ahead of the competition.

Here are some tips for maximizing your lead generation at industry events and trade shows:

Set clear goals: Before attending an event, set clear goals for what you want to achieve. Do you want to generate leads, build relationships, or showcase your company's expertise?

Prepare your booth: Your booth is your company's face at the event, so make sure it is well-designed and inviting. Include signage, product samples, and promotional materials.

Train your staff: Make sure your staff is well-trained and knowledgeable about your company's products and services. They should be able to answer questions and professionally engage with potential customers.

Network actively: Take advantage of the networking opportunities at the event. Introduce yourself to other attendees, exchange business cards, and follow up after the event.

Follow up with leads: After the event, make sure to follow up with any leads you generate. This could involve sending an email, making a phone call, or scheduling a meeting.

By following these tips, roofing companies can maximize their lead generation at industry events and trade shows. These events can be a valuable source of new business for roofing companies of all sizes.

8. Offer Referral Programs

offering a referral program is an excellent way to generate leads for your roofing company. It is a cost-effective way to acquire new customers, and it can also help you build a loyal customer base. Here are some of the benefits of offering a referral program for your roofing company:

  • Increased leads: Referral programs can help you generate a steady stream of new leads from existing customers.
  • Reduced marketing costs: Referral programs can help you reduce your marketing costs by leveraging the power of word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Improved customer loyalty: Referral programs can help you build a loyal customer base by rewarding your customers for referring their friends and family.
  • Positive word-of-mouth: Referral programs can help generate positive word-of-mouth about your company, which can attract even more new customers.

Here are some tips for creating a successful referral program for your roofing company:

  • Offer a generous incentive: The incentive you offer for referrals should be something that will motivate your customers to refer their friends and family. This could be a cash reward, a discount on your services, or a free gift.
  • Make it easy to refer: Make it easy for your customers to refer their friends and family by providing them with clear instructions and referral materials. You can do this by creating a referral page on your website, providing referral cards, or sending out email reminders.
  • Track your results: Track your referral program results so you can see how effective it is. This will help you identify what is working and what is not, so you can make adjustments as needed.

Here are some examples of referral program ideas for roofing companies:

  • Offer a cash reward for each referral: This is a simple and effective way to incentivize referrals. You could offer a $50 or $100 cash reward for each referral that leads to a new customer.
  • Offer a discount on services for referrals: This is another great way to incentivize referrals. You could offer a 10% or 15% discount on your services to new customers who are referred by existing customers.
  • Offer a free gift for referrals: This is a more creative way to incentivize referrals. You could offer a free gift, such as a roofing inspection or a gift card to a local hardware store, to new customers who are referred by existing customers.

No matter what type of referral program you choose, make sure it is well-structured and easy to understand. You should also promote your referral program to your existing customers so they are aware of it and can start referring their friends and family.

9. Respond Promptly to Inquiries

responding promptly to inquiries is one of the best lead-generation strategies for roofing companies. In fact, a study by Podium found that 74% of consumers say they're more likely to buy from a company that responds to their inquiries within an hour.

There are several reasons why responding promptly to inquiries is so important for roofing companies:

  • It shows potential customers that you're responsive and that they can count on you to get back to them promptly.
  • It helps you build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • It allows you to capture leads while they're still hot.
  • It can help you convert more leads into customers.

Here are some tips for responding promptly to inquiries:

  • Set up a system for tracking inquiries so that you can respond to them as soon as possible.
  • Have a designated person or team responsible for responding to inquiries.
  • Set a goal for response time, such as responding to all inquiries within 24 hours.
  • Use a variety of communication channels to respond to inquiries, such as email, phone, and text messages.
  • Be polite, professional, and helpful in your responses.
  • Follow up with potential customers after you've responded to their inquiries.

By responding promptly to inquiries, you can improve your lead generation and conversion rates, and ultimately, grow your roofing business. If you need help with responding promptly to inquiries or automating the process, there are many tools and services available that can help.

10. Track and Measure Results

Among the best lead generation for roofing companies, tracking and measuring results is the one you should consider the most effective. Tracking and measuring results allows you to identify which of your marketing campaigns are generating the most leads and which ones are not. This information can then be used to improve your marketing ROI and generate more leads.

Here are some of the benefits of tracking and measuring results for your roofing company:

  • Identify which marketing campaigns are generating the most leads. This information can be used to allocate your marketing budget more effectively and to focus on the campaigns that are working best.
  • Track your lead conversion rate. This is the percentage of leads that you generate that actually turn into customers. By tracking your lead conversion rate, you can identify areas where you can improve your sales process and close more deals.
  • Measure your marketing ROI. This is the return on investment that you are getting from your marketing campaigns. By measuring your marketing ROI, you can determine whether your marketing efforts are profitable and whether you need to make any changes to your strategy.

There are many different tools that you can use to track and measure results for your roofing company. Some of the most popular tools include Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Marketo.

Here are some tips for tracking and measuring results for your roofing company:

  • Set clear goals for your marketing campaigns. What do you want to achieve with your marketing? Once you know your goals, you can identify the metrics that you need to track to measure your success.
  • Use a tracking tool to collect data on your marketing campaigns. This data can include website traffic, leads generated, and sales closed.
  • Analyze your data regularly. This will help you to identify trends and to make changes to your marketing campaigns as needed.
  • Share your results with your team. This will help everyone to stay on track and to work towards achieving your marketing goals.

By tracking and measuring results, you can ensure that your roofing company is getting the most out of its marketing budget. This will help you to generate more leads, close more deals, and grow your business.

Here are some additional tips for generating leads for your roofing company:

  • Build a strong online presence. This includes having a website that is optimized for search engines, as well as being active on social media.
  • Network with other businesses in your community. This is a great way to get referrals and to generate leads.
  • Get involved in your local community. This can help you to build relationships with potential customers and to generate leads.
  • Offer free consultations. This is a great way to get your foot in the door with potential customers and generate leads.
  • Provide excellent customer service. This will help you to build positive word-of-mouth and to generate leads.


In conclusion, there are some different lead generation strategies that roofing companies can use to generate leads. The best strategy for your company will depend on your budget, target market, and goals. However, tracking and measuring results is the most effective strategy for generating leads.

People also ask

How do I market my roofing business?

Depending on the above There are several ways to market your roofing business:

  1. Optimize Your Website for Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  2. Utilize Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising.
  3. Engage in Content Marketing.
  4. Leverage Social Media Platforms.
  5. Utilize Email Marketing.
  6. Partner with Local Businesses.
  7. Attend Industry Events and Trade Shows.
  8. Offer Referral Programs.
  9. Respond Promptly to Inquiries.
  10. Track and Measure Results.

What is the best business structure for a roofing company?
The best business structure for a roofing company depends on several factors, including the size and ownership of the business, the risk tolerance of the owners, and the tax implications. However, some of the most common business structures for roofing companies include:
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited liability company (LLC)
  • Corporation
The best way to determine which business structure is right for your roofing company is to consult with an attorney or accountant. They can help you assess your needs and risks and recommend the best structure for your business

Who is the largest roofing manufacturer?

The largest roofing manufacturers in the world are:

1. GAF

Founded in 1886, GAF is the largest roofing manufacturer in North America. The company's products include a comprehensive portfolio of steep-slope and commercial roofing systems, which are supported by an extensive national network of factory-certified contractors. GAF is committed to sustainability and has several initiatives in place to reduce its environmental impact.

2. IKO

Founded in 1951, IKO is a Canadian company that is the world's largest exporter of asphalt shingles. The company has manufacturing facilities in Canada, the United States, and Europe. IKO's products are known for their durability and energy efficiency.

3. Owens Corning

Founded in 1938, Owens Corning is a multinational company that manufactures a variety of building materials, including roofing shingles. The company is known for its innovative products and its commitment to sustainability. Owens Corning is a leader in the development of cool roofs, which can help reduce energy costs and improve indoor air quality.

4. CertainTeed

Founded in 1904, CertainTeed is an American company that manufactures a variety of building materials, including roofing shingles, siding, and insulation. The company is known for its high-quality products and its commitment to innovation. CertainTeed is a leader in the development of impact-resistant roofing shingles, which can help to protect homes from damage caused by hail and other severe weather events.

5. Tamko

Founded in 1946, Tamko is an American company that manufactures roofing shingles, siding, and insulation. The company is known for its commitment to sustainability and its use of recycled materials in its products. Tamko is a leader in the development of solar shingles, which can generate electricity for homes.

What does it mean to generate leads?

Generating leads is the process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects into someone who has indicated interest in your company's product or service. Leads can be generated through a variety of methods, including online and offline marketing, public relations, and referrals. Once a lead has been generated, it is important to nurture it through a sales funnel until it is converted into a customer.



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