The Top 5 Free Making Tax Digital Software for Small Businesses


5 Best Free Making Tax Digital Software 

Best Free Making Tax Digital Software

Best Free Making Tax Digital Software:

In the ever-evolving landscape of taxation, the Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative in the United Kingdom has brought significant changes to the way businesses manage their tax affairs. To help businesses smoothly transition into this digital tax era, various software solutions have emerged. 

In this article, we'll explore the 5 best free Making Tax Digital software options available, ensuring that your business stays compliant with the new regulations without breaking the bank.

What is Making Tax Digital (MTD)?

Making Tax Digital is a program that tax authorities implemented to update the tax system. With MTD businesses need to keep records of their transactions and file tax returns electronically. The goal is to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and convenience of the tax system, for both businesses and tax authorities.

The Importance of MTD Software

To comply with MTD regulations, businesses need reliable MTD software. Such software not only simplifies the process of record-keeping but also ensures that businesses submit accurate tax returns and meet deadlines. The right MTD software can save time and reduce the risk of errors, penalties, and fines.

Best Free Making Tax Digital Software

Let's explore the 10 Best Free Making Tax Digital Software solutions available for businesses:

1. Xero

Best Free Making Tax Digital Software

Xero is a well-established name in the world of accounting and financial management software. Known for its user-amiable interface and comprehensive features, Xero offers a liberate plan that caters to Making Tax Digital (MTD) requirements, making it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes. Here's why Xero is the Best Free Making Tax Digital Software:

Digital Record Keeping

Xero enables businesses to maintain digital records of their income, expenses, and transactions, which is a fundamental requirement under MTD.

VAT Return Submission

Submitting VAT returns digitally is a breeze with Xero. It ensures accurate and timely submissions to HMRC, reducing the risk of errors and penalties.

Expense Tracking

Tracking expenses is crucial for tax compliance. Xero provides robust expense tracking tools to help you monitor your business expenses efficiently.

Financial Reporting

Xero provides a range of customizable financial reports, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports. These reports offer valuable insights into your business's financial performance.

2. QuickBooks

Best Free Making Tax Digital Software

QuickBooks is a well-established and user-friendly accounting software that has gained popularity among businesses of all sizes. It offers a free version that includes features to help businesses comply with MTD regulations seamlessly. Here's why QuickBooks is the Best Free Making Tax Digital Software:

User-Friendly Interface

QuickBooks is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Even those without extensive accounting backgrounds can navigate and use the software effectively. This is a significant advantage for small business owners who want to handle their taxes without hiring a professional accountant.

Comprehensive Features

The free version of QuickBooks offers a comprehensive set of features, including expense tracking, income management, and financial reporting. These features are essential for businesses looking to maintain accurate records, a key requirement under MTD.

VAT Return Submission

QuickBooks allows businesses to submit their VAT returns directly to HMRC as required by MTD. This eliminates the need for manual calculations and form filling, reducing the chances of errors in VAT submissions.

Real-Time Financial Insights

QuickBooks provides real-time insights into your business's financial health. This feature helps businesses keep track of their VAT liability, ensuring they are always aware of their tax obligations.

Third-Party Integration

QuickBooks seamlessly integrate with various third-party apps and tools, allowing businesses to customize their accounting experience. This flexibility is useful for businesses with unique needs or those looking to expand their accounting capabilities.

3. Wave 

Making tax digital software free

Wave is an accounting and financial software platform specifically tailored to cater to the requirements of businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. It provides a range of tools to effectively manage finances encompassing invoicing, accounting, payroll, and other essential features. Let's take an inspection, of the offerings provided by Wave Financial:

Invoicing Made Easy

Wave allows users to create and send professional invoices effortlessly. You can customize your invoices with your branding, track payment status, and even set up recurring invoices for regular clients.

Expense Tracking

Keeping track of expenses is crucial for any business. Wave simplifies this process by enabling users to record expenses, categorize them, and generate expense reports for better financial management.

Bank Reconciliation

Wave can connect to your bank accounts, making bank reconciliation a breeze. This feature helps you ensure that your financial records align with your actual bank transactions.

Payroll Services

For businesses with employees, Wave offers payroll services. You can calculate employee salaries, generate pay stubs, and even handle tax withholdings directly through the platform.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Support

While MTD is primarily a UK initiative, Wave Financial provides tools and features that can assist businesses in digitizing their tax records and financial data. While it may not be tailored specifically for UK MTD compliance, its core functionalities align with the principles of digital record-keeping.

4. Zoho Books

hmrc mtd software

Zoho Books has gained popularity as a cloud-based accounting software solution that caters, to businesses of all sizes. With its array of financial management tools, it serves as an option, for companies seeking to simplify their accounting procedures. Let's delve into the aspects you should be aware of regarding Zoho Books.

User-Friendly Interface

Zoho Books has gained popularity, for its interface allowing users of all accounting backgrounds to easily navigate the platform. Because of this, it has become a pick, for businesses and startups.

Expense Tracking

One of the key features of Zoho Books is its robust expense tracking capabilities. It allows you to record and categorize expenses, ensuring that your financial records are accurate and up-to-date.

VAT Return Submission

For businesses in the UK aiming to comply with Making Tax Digital for VAT, Zoho Books offers a seamless solution. It supports the digital submission of VAT returns to HMRC, simplifying the compliance process.

Bank Reconciliation

Zoho Books automates bank reconciliation, helping you match your bank transactions with your accounting records effortlessly. This feature minimizes errors and ensures that your financial statements are precise.

Multi-Currency Support

If your business deals with international clients or suppliers, Zoho Books provides multi-currency support. It enables you to manage transactions in different currencies and simplifies the conversion process.

Customizable Invoices

Creating professional invoices is a breeze with Zoho Books. You can customize your invoices with your branding and tailor them to meet your business's specific needs.

Integration Capabilities

Zoho Books effortlessly integrates with a range of software applications, such, as payment gateways, e-commerce platforms, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This integration enhances the functionality and adaptability of Zoho Books.

5. KashFlow

Free MTD compliant accounting software

KashFlow is the Best Free Making Tax Digital Software, that offers a range of tools to simplify financial management for businesses in the United States. Whether you're a small startup, a growing company, or a well-established enterprise, KashFlow has features tailored to your accounting needs.

User-Friendly Interface

KashFlow takes pride in its user interface, designed to be accessible, to business owners and entrepreneurs, with financial expertise. It doesn't require accounting knowledge making it easy for anyone to use.


The software provides invoicing features that enable you to create and terminate polished invoices for your clients and customers. Additionally, it offers the convenience of setting up recurring invoices, which is capable of greatly simplifying your billing procedures. 

Expense Tracking

KashFlow simplifies expense management by allowing you to record and categorize expenses efficiently. This feature helps you track your business spending and ensures that you're well-prepared for tax season.

Bank Reconciliation

Keeping your financial records accurate is crucial. KashFlow's bank reconciliation feature makes it easy to match transactions, reducing errors in your books and ensuring that your financial statements are always up to date.

Tax Support

Tax compliance can be complex, but KashFlow has tools to simplify the process. It helps you calculate and manage taxes, making it easier to file your returns accurately and on time.

Financial Reporting

Access to real-time financial reports is essential for informed decision-making. KashFlow provides a variety of customizable reports that give you insights into your business's financial health.

Conclusion of the Best Free Making Tax Digital Software

In conclusion, Making Tax Digital has transformed the way individuals and businesses handle their tax obligations. Choosing the right MTD software is essential for smooth and error-free compliance. Evaluate your specific needs, consider the features offered by each software, and select the one that best aligns with your requirements.

FAQs of the Best Free Making Tax Digital Software

How can you tell if a client has been set up correctly for Making Tax Digital in QuickBooks online?

Setting up a client correctly for Making Tax Digital (MTD) in QuickBooks Online involves several key steps to ensure compliance with HMRC regulations. Here's how you can tell if a client has been set up correctly for MTD in QuickBooks Online:

  • VAT Registration: Ensure that your client's business is VAT-registered with HMRC. You can check this by verifying their VAT registration number, which should be entered correctly in QuickBooks Online.
  • MTD-Compliant Software: Confirm that your client is using a version of QuickBooks Online that is MTD-compliant. QuickBooks regularly updates its software to comply with HMRC's requirements, so make sure your client's software is up-to-date.
  • VAT Scheme Selection: In QuickBooks Online, check that the appropriate VAT scheme is selected for your client's business. This could be Standard VAT, Flat Rate Scheme, or another applicable scheme. The selected scheme should match what's registered with HMRC.
  • MTD Registration with HMRC: Ensure that your client has registered for MTD with HMRC. They should have received a confirmation email from HMRC regarding their MTD registration. This email may contain important details, including the client's Government Gateway User ID and password.
  • Link QuickBooks Online to HMRC: QuickBooks Online allows you to connect to HMRC for MTD submissions. Make sure this connection has been established successfully. You can do this by going to the Taxes section in QuickBooks Online and verifying that it shows a connection to HMRC for VAT submissions.
  • VAT Return Filing: Check if your client has been filing their VAT returns through QuickBooks Online, ensuring that the data is accurate and up-to-date. QuickBooks Online provides a user-friendly interface for preparing and submitting VAT returns.
  • Submission Confirmation: After submitting VAT returns through QuickBooks Online, confirm that your client has received submission confirmation from HMRC. This confirmation indicates that the data was transmitted correctly.
  • Compliance with MTD Deadlines: Ensure that your client is aware of the MTD filing deadlines and that they are consistently meeting these deadlines to avoid penalties and fines.
  • Record-Keeping: Verify that your client is maintaining digital records of their transactions as required by MTD. QuickBooks Online can assist with this by storing digital records of financial transactions.
  • VAT Certificate: Ensure that your client has a copy of their MTD for VAT certificate. This certificate serves as proof of MTD registration and should be kept on file.
  • HMRC Correspondence: Check if your client has received any correspondence from HMRC regarding their MTD registration or VAT submissions. Address any issues or concerns raised by HMRC promptly.

What is the Best Free Making Tax Digital Software?

  • HMRC's Making Tax Digital for VAT
  • QuickBooks
  • Wave Financial
  • Zoho Books
  • KashFlow

Can I submit VAT without software?

As of the latest requirement, all companies, regardless of their turnover, are now mandated to register for Making Tax Digital (MTD) and submit VAT returns using MTD-compliant software. This change reflects the UK government's commitment to digitize tax reporting and ensure consistent compliance across all businesses.

How do I make my VAT digital?

Making your Value Added Tax (VAT) digital involves transitioning from traditional paper-based or manual methods to a digital system for VAT record-keeping and submissions. In the United States, VAT is not commonly used; instead, you typically deal with sales tax. Nevertheless, if you want to digitize your sales tax processes, the following steps can guide you:

1. Register for Making Tax Digital (MTD): 
  • Ensure your business is registered for VAT with HMRC if it's not already.
  • Sign up for MTD for VAT through your HMRC online account. This step is essential to access the MTD services and comply with digital VAT reporting requirements.
2. Choose MTD-Compliant Software:
  • Select MTD-compliant accounting software or appoint an accountant or agent who uses MTD-compatible software.
  • There are various MTD-compliant software options available, including both paid and free solutions. Research and choose the one that best suits your business needs.
3. Set Up and Configure the Software:
  • Install and set up the chosen MTD-compliant software.
  • Configure the software with your business information, including your VAT registration number.
4. Import or Input Your Financial Data:
  • Input all relevant financial data into the software. This includes sales, purchases, expenses, and VAT calculations.
  • Ensure the accuracy and completeness of your financial records.
5. Link Your Software to HMRC:
  • Most MTD-compliant software provides a feature to link directly to HMRC's systems.
  • Follow the software's instructions to establish this connection, which allows you to submit VAT returns digitally.
6. Submit Your VAT Returns:
  • Use the MTD-compliant software to calculate your VAT liability and prepare your VAT return.
  • Review the return to ensure accuracy and consistency with your financial records.
  • Once satisfied, submit the VAT return digitally through the software. The software will transmit the data to HMRC.
7. Keep Digital Records:
  • Maintain accurate digital records of your business transactions, as required by MTD regulations.
  • Ensure you keep digital records for at least six years.
8. Comply with MTD Deadlines:
  • Familiarize yourself with the VAT return deadlines set by HMRC.
  • Submit your VAT returns on time to avoid penalties.
9. Stay Informed and Seek Assistance:
  • Stay updated on any changes in MTD regulations and requirements.
  • If you encounter challenges or have questions, seek assistance from a tax professional or contact HMRC's MTD helpline for guidance.

Is there another free MTD software?

there's another free Making Tax Digital (MTD) software option worth considering, especially if you're seeking alternatives.

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